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Why Family Philosophy?

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Becoming Incorruptible Is Not Something That Happens Overnight 

Family Philosophy is a call to action. There is an all out war against you and it was started before you were even born. Daily attacks are perpetrated against you. Some of these attacks you may be aware of, but many of them are unknown to you. Some of us are fighting against enemies we have inherited. Enemies that have been passed down to you through generations. There is a battle for your spirit and attacks will be levied against your body, mind and heart in order to get to it. 

There is an evil force acting against you and it has been called by many names. the Buddhists called it Mara the temptress, Native Americans called it Wetiko, Christians call it Satan, most people today refer to it as "they." We call it the principalities of evil. In our fight against the principalities, we have the opportunity to unite together under the same banner. One of wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance. One of virtue. 

Family Philosophy aims for the ultimate good and we believe that the ultimate good starts with you. It starts with examining your own values, patterns of thought and beliefs, and challenges you to deconstruct them and reconstruct them based on the highest good. Family philosophy is about drawing hard lines between you and evil. It's about knowing thyself. It's about recognizing where the principalities have already infiltrated you. It's about acknowledging the evilness that exists inside of your own heart and fortifying yourself against your own capacity for malevolence. It's about becoming incorruptible.

The principalities want you to procrastinate. We want you to join us today.

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